HM The Queen’s Spiritual Well-being

HM The Queen has spoken of her personal faith in God through her many Christmas broadcasts.

She attends church regularly and is a Christian witness to not only her family but to people everywhere. Having a personal faith is a foundational belief, and this is likely to be true of the HM The Queen.

Several organisations have produced a 64-page book to celebrate HM The Queen’s 90th. birthday which writes about her personal faith through her Christmas broadcasts. See:


But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love’. Jude 20-21

‘Remember your leaders who taught you the word of God. Think of all the good that has come from their lives, and follow the example of their faith’. Hebrews 13:7

Father God, I pray that HM The Queen is able to read her Bible daily and pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, bringing you the things in her heart each day. I pray that you will give her wisdom and understanding for the days and week ahead from what she reads in her daily readings. Build her up in her faith. May her faith exude naturally from her speeches and conduct in the Royal Residences.  In the relationships she has, may her countenance display your reign in her heart and life.

Thank you, God, that HM Queen Elizabeth is a leader who had demonstrated an example of what the Christian faith looks like in her life. Thank you for the good that has come from her life, despite changes and challenges in her family life and the nation. We praise You that her steady character is obvious for all to see. It is marvellous to see that this brings great respect to her as a person and as a leader. Enable her to encourage the Royal family members. May this include her heirs and royal generations to come, that a faith in You, is an important part of one’s life and future.

Lord, make it possible for HM The Queen to have people of great faith to walk alongside her. Permit them to encourage her in her faith in troubled times. I pray that the Royal Chaplains who are called upon would be available to listen deeply and pray for HM The Queen.

In Jesus’ name.

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