Our Daily Bread…

The next line of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew Chapter 6 is ‘Give us today our daily bread’.

This is the first petition in the Lord’s Prayer… a request made towards our Heavenly Father.

What is our daily bread? Bread is a staple food, just as rice, potatoes and noodles are, depending on where one lives. It’s a carbohydrate, a source of long lasting energy for the body. Food is something that each body needs to sustain life, each and every day. But, it is also more than that, as we need many things to get us through the day, and each persons ‘need’ is different to another’s.


‘Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.’ Isaiah 58: 10

Lord, thank you that you made food that we can eat and enjoy. Yet, I know there are millions of people around the world who do not have enough food even as I pray. I think of my cupboards and my fridge and there is enough food for my family. Even more than that Lord, I could feed quite a few more people with the food in my cupboards. As I think of people both around my city and in my neighbourhood who are struggling, make me thankful for the provisions I have. Continue to encourage me to be generous and practice hospitality. Also, help me find out what my local Foodbank needs for my community. Lord, for those struggling today and who need food and provisions of many kinds…

…please give them their daily bread.

As I think of the Royal Family today, financially they probably have all that they need to buy food and all the provisions that they need. Yet, Lord, I know there will be many things that they need each day to help them through it. Since ‘need’ is defined in different ways, help me not judge or compare my position and jobs to theirs as comparison kills joy in my life. Some things that members of the Royal Family may need would include wise advisors, security, friends to laugh with and privacy. You know their every need today and the stress of going without or not having…

…Lord, give them their daily bread I ask.

‘So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’  These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.’ Matthew 6:31-34

It is so easy to worry about the things that I need. I want to thank You that as my Heavenly Father, you know what I need each day. You also distinguish what I need from what I want which I can often get confused about. I confess that often I am thinking about tomorrows’ needs as well as those of today. Yet the prayer says ‘our daily bread’ not ‘my daily bread’. Therefore I am challenged to ask you to provide not only my needs but the needs of others around me, and for the Royal Family today…

…Lord, give us our daily bread.

Most of all, I ask that the Royal Family would seek You and Your kingdom above all else. As they live their lives under intense media spotlight, I ask that in the private moments they have, that they would realise their need of You. I know that as I seek You above all else, that you give me all that I need. Today I pray that for the Royal Family. As they seek you and try to live righteously before you and the people…

…Give the Royal Family their daily bread.


Related links:

Find a Foodbank near you via trusselltrust.org

Related blogs:

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in Heaven

Your Kingdom come

Your Will be done

Lead us not into Temptation

Deliver us from Evil


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